 compare-matrices  -v 1 -format transfac -file $RSAT/public_html/tmp/wwwrun/2014/09/03/peak-motifs.2014-09-03.094519_2014-09-03.094519_gM9GBj/results/discovered_motifs/peak-motifs_motifs_discovered.tf -distinct -mode matches -DR -uth offset_rank 1 -lth w 5 -lth Wr 0.3 -lth cor 0.75 -lth Ncor 0.4 -return matrix_name,matrix_id,cor,Ncor,logoDP,NIcor,NsEucl,SSD,NSW,match_rank,width,strand,offset,consensus,alignments_1ton -sort Ncor -o $RSAT/public_html/tmp/wwwrun/2014/09/03/peak-motifs.2014-09-03.094519_2014-09-03.094519_gM9GBj/results/discovered_motifs/peak-motifs_motifs_disco_compa.tab
 Program version       	1.118
 Input files
	file2 	$RSAT/public_html/tmp/wwwrun/2014/09/03/peak-motifs.2014-09-03.094519_2014-09-03.094519_gM9GBj/results/discovered_motifs/peak-motifs_motifs_discovered.tf
	file1 	$RSAT/public_html/tmp/wwwrun/2014/09/03/peak-motifs.2014-09-03.094519_2014-09-03.094519_gM9GBj/results/discovered_motifs/peak-motifs_motifs_discovered.tf
 Output files
	alignments_1ton	$RSAT/public_html/tmp/wwwrun/2014/09/03/peak-motifs.2014-09-03.094519_2014-09-03.094519_gM9GBj/results/discovered_motifs/peak-motifs_motifs_disco_compa_alignments_1ton.tab
	match_table_txt	$RSAT/public_html/tmp/wwwrun/2014/09/03/peak-motifs.2014-09-03.094519_2014-09-03.094519_gM9GBj/results/discovered_motifs/peak-motifs_motifs_disco_compa.tab
	html_index   	$RSAT/public_html/tmp/wwwrun/2014/09/03/peak-motifs.2014-09-03.094519_2014-09-03.094519_gM9GBj/results/discovered_motifs/peak-motifs_motifs_disco_compa_index.html
	alignments_1ton_html	$RSAT/public_html/tmp/wwwrun/2014/09/03/peak-motifs.2014-09-03.094519_2014-09-03.094519_gM9GBj/results/discovered_motifs/peak-motifs_motifs_disco_compa_alignments_1ton.html
	match_table_html	$RSAT/public_html/tmp/wwwrun/2014/09/03/peak-motifs.2014-09-03.094519_2014-09-03.094519_gM9GBj/results/discovered_motifs/peak-motifs_motifs_disco_compa.html
	prefix       	$RSAT/public_html/tmp/wwwrun/2014/09/03/peak-motifs.2014-09-03.094519_2014-09-03.094519_gM9GBj/results/discovered_motifs/peak-motifs_motifs_disco_compa
	file1	30 matrices	$RSAT/public_html/tmp/wwwrun/2014/09/03/peak-motifs.2014-09-03.094519_2014-09-03.094519_gM9GBj/results/discovered_motifs/peak-motifs_motifs_discovered.tf
		file1	1	15	3324	dkATTGTGCAATCwt
		file1	2	10	9991	waCAAAACwa
		file1	3	10	8972	hyCTGCAGrd
		file1	4	13	1349	ttTTCTTTTCTtt
		file1	5	15	2728	atGATTGCACAACwy
		file1	6	15	897	wwAGATTGTGAAAtm
		file1	7	15	678	dkATTACGCAAGArw
		file1	8	13	352	rmAGTTGCAAAay
		file1	9	18	119	wvATGTTGCACAACAGtr
		file1	10	24	7	TyTTTTyTTTTTTWAARwAAATmv
		file1	11	15	2972	wkATTGCACAATcwy
		...	20 more matrices
	file2	30 matrices	$RSAT/public_html/tmp/wwwrun/2014/09/03/peak-motifs.2014-09-03.094519_2014-09-03.094519_gM9GBj/results/discovered_motifs/peak-motifs_motifs_discovered.tf
		file2		1		15		3324		dkATTGTGCAATCwt
		file2		2		10		9991		waCAAAACwa
		file2		3		10		8972		hyCTGCAGrd
		file2		4		13		1349		ttTTCTTTTCTtt
		file2		5		15		2728		atGATTGCACAACwy
		file2		6		15		897		wwAGATTGTGAAAtm
		file2		7		15		678		dkATTACGCAAGArw
		file2		8		13		352		rmAGTTGCAAAay
		file2		9		18		119		wvATGTTGCACAACAGtr
		file2		10		24		7		TyTTTTyTTTTTTWAARwAAATmv
		file2		11		15		2972		wkATTGCACAATcwy
		...	20 more matrices
 Column content
	1	id1          	Identifier of the first matrix
	2	id2          	Identifier of the second matrix
	3	name1        	Name of the first matrix
	4	name2        	Name of the second matrix
	5	cor          	Pearson coefficient of correlation between frequency matrices
	6	Ncor         	Normalized correlation. Ncor = cor * Wr
	7	logoDP       	Dot product between the logo matrices.
	8	NIcor        	Normalized Pearson correlation between the information content matrices. NIcor = Icor * Wr
	9	NSW          	Normalized Sandelin-Wasserman similarity. NSW = SW/w
	10	SSD          	sum of squared distance.
	11	NsEucl       	relative Euclidian similarity. NsEucl = (max(dEucl) - dEucl)/max(dEucl)
	12	w1           	Width of the first matrix
	13	w2           	Width of the second matrix
	14	w            	Alignment length (number of overlapping columns between matrix 1 and matrix 2, as a function of the offset)
	15	W            	Total alignment length (overlapping + non-overlapping columns). W = w1 + w2 - w
	16	Wr           	Relative alignment length (overlap divided by the total alignemnt length). Wr = w/W
	17	wr1          	Alignment length relative to the width of the first matrix. wr1 = w/w1
	18	wr2          	Alignment length relative to the width of the second matrix. wr2 = w/w2
	19	strand       	"strand", i.e. orientation of matrix 2 relative to matrix 1 (D=direct;  R=reverse)
	20	offset       	shift of the second matrix relative to the first matrix (negative:left; positive: right)
	21	consensus1   	IUPAC consensus of matrix 1 (dots represent non-aligned columns)
	22	consensus2   	IUPAC consensus of matrix 2 (dots represent non-aligned columns)
	23	rcor         	Matching rank for cor
	24	rNcor        	Matching rank for Ncor
	25	rlogoDP      	Matching rank for logoDP
	26	rNIcor       	Matching rank for NIcor
	27	rNsEucl      	Matching rank for NsEucl
	28	rSSD         	Matching rank for SSD
	29	rNSW         	Matching rank for NSW
	30	rank_mean    	Mean of the matching ranks on all selected metrics
	31	match_rank   	Rank of the match (sorting by rank_mean)
id1 id2 name1 name2 cor Ncor logoDP NIcor NSW SSD NsEucl w1 w2 w W Wr wr1 wr2 strand offset consensus1 consensus2 rcor rNcor rlogoDP rNIcor rNsEucl rSSD rNSW rank_mean match_rank
oligos_7nt_mkv5_m3 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m4 oligos_7nt_mkv5_m3 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m4 0.975 0.975 12.686 0.970 0.989 0.2972 0.97035 13 13 13 13 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 D 0 wrTTACACAAtww wrTTACACAATah 1 1 16 1 1 1 1 3.1429 1
oligos_6nt_mkv4_m5 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m1 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m5 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m1 0.942 0.942 12.766 0.931 0.973 0.8116 0.95753 15 15 15 15 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 D 0 atGATTGCACAACwy atGGTTGCACAACwh 8 2 14 2 6 7 7 6.5714 2
oligos_8nt_mkv6_m5 positions_8nt_m4 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m5 positions_8nt_m4 0.963 0.826 13.781 0.820 0.981 0.4580 0.96012 12 14 12 14 0.8571 1.0000 0.8571 D -1 wmTTGCCCAAya .tATTGCCCAATa. 4 22 3 11 5 3 4 7.4286 3
oligos_8nt_mkv6_m1 positions_8nt_m5 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m1 positions_8nt_m5 0.945 0.834 14.406 0.816 0.969 0.9160 0.95488 15 17 15 17 0.8824 1.0000 0.8824 D -1 atGGTTGCACAACwh .aTGGTTGCACAAyAw. 7 15 1 12 7 9 8 8.4286 4
oligos_6nt_mkv4_m5 positions_7nt_m2 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m5 positions_7nt_m2 0.941 0.830 13.395 0.823 0.969 0.9355 0.95440 15 17 15 17 0.8824 1.0000 0.8824 D -1 atGATTGCACAACwy .mAGATTGCACAACTy. 9 19 7 9 8 10 9 10.1429 5
oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 positions_7nt_m1 oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 positions_7nt_m1 0.915 0.915 12.174 0.909 0.961 1.1717 0.94897 15 15 15 15 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 D 0 wkATTGCACAATcwy wtATTTCACAATCwh 12 4 20 3 11 12 12 10.5714 6
positions_6nt_m1 positions_7nt_m3 positions_6nt_m1 positions_7nt_m3 0.911 0.854 11.901 0.841 0.957 1.2829 0.94661 15 16 15 16 0.9375 1.0000 0.9375 D 0 wwAGATTGTGAAAtm arAGATTGCGAAATr. 13 8 26 6 13 15 13 13.4286 7
oligos_8nt_mkv6_m3 positions_8nt_m2 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m3 positions_8nt_m2 0.881 0.881 11.903 0.879 0.945 1.5482 0.93716 14 14 14 14 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 D 0 wtATTGAGCAATaw mtGTTGAGCAATmw 23 7 24 4 22 22 22 17.7143 8
positions_7nt_m2 positions_8nt_m1 positions_7nt_m2 positions_8nt_m1 0.885 0.833 12.893 0.822 0.944 1.8002 0.94070 17 16 16 17 0.9412 0.9412 1.0000 D 0 rmAGATTGCACAACTy. amAGATTGCAAAACww 22 17 12 10 17 28 23 18.4286 9
oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m3 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m3 0.893 0.834 11.635 0.829 0.950 1.3947 0.94035 15 14 14 15 0.9333 0.9333 1.0000 D 0 dkATTGTGCAATCw. wtATTGAGCAATaw 18 16 34 7 18 18 18 18.4286 10
oligos_8nt_mkv6_m2 positions_6nt_m1 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m2 positions_6nt_m1 0.934 0.759 11.174 0.746 0.966 0.8916 0.94864 14 15 13 16 0.8125 0.9286 0.8667 D -2 wkATTGTGAAATa. ..AGATTGTGAAAtm 10 39 41 20 12 8 10 20.0000 11
oligos_8nt_mkv6_m3 positions_8nt_m4 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m3 positions_8nt_m4 0.902 0.902 10.454 0.770 0.956 1.2225 0.94415 14 14 14 14 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 R 0 wtATTGAGCAATaw WTATTGGGCAATAW 16 6 57 18 15 14 14 20.0000 12
oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m2 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m2 0.886 0.827 11.582 0.824 0.947 1.4962 0.93822 15 14 14 15 0.9333 0.9333 1.0000 D 0 dkATTGTGCAATCw. wkATTGTGAAATaw 21 21 36 8 21 20 20 21.0000 13
oligos_8nt_mkv6_m2 positions_7nt_m1 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m2 positions_7nt_m1 0.970 0.905 4.643 0.212 0.985 0.4104 0.96764 14 15 14 15 0.9333 1.0000 0.9333 R -1 wkATTGTGAAATaw .WGATTGTGAAATAW 2 5 78 78 2 2 2 24.1429 14
oligos_7nt_mkv5_m5 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m3 oligos_7nt_mkv5_m5 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m3 0.950 0.815 10.213 0.589 0.975 0.6095 0.95400 12 14 12 14 0.8571 1.0000 0.8571 R -1 wrTTGCTCAAya .TATTGCTCAATA. 6 24 60 62 9 6 6 24.7143 15
oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m3 oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m3 0.899 0.839 9.852 0.697 0.953 1.3219 0.94193 15 14 14 15 0.9333 0.9333 1.0000 R 0 wkATTGCACAATcw. WTATTGCTCAATAW 17 12 67 33 16 17 16 25.4286 16
oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 positions_8nt_m4 oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 positions_8nt_m4 0.862 0.804 12.067 0.814 0.935 1.8188 0.93188 15 14 14 15 0.9333 0.9333 1.0000 D 0 wkATTGCACAATcw. wtATTGCCCAATaw 31 28 22 13 29 29 29 25.8571 17
oligos_6nt_mkv4_m5 positions_8nt_m5 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m5 positions_8nt_m5 0.872 0.769 13.665 0.741 0.932 2.0500 0.93251 15 17 15 17 0.8824 1.0000 0.8824 D -1 atGATTGCACAACwy .aTGGTTGCACAAyAw. 26 34 4 21 28 37 32 26.0000 18
oligos_6nt_mkv4_m5 positions_8nt_m1 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m5 positions_8nt_m1 0.864 0.810 11.723 0.798 0.935 1.9470 0.93422 15 16 15 16 0.9375 1.0000 0.9375 D -1 atGATTGCACAACwy .mAGATTGCAAAACww 29 26 32 15 24 32 28 26.5714 19
positions_6nt_m1 positions_7nt_m1 positions_6nt_m1 positions_7nt_m1 0.959 0.839 4.409 0.160 0.980 0.5734 0.96175 15 15 14 16 0.8750 0.9333 0.9333 R 1 .wAGATTGTGAAAtm DWGATTGTGAAATA. 5 13 80 81 4 5 5 27.5714 20
oligos_7nt_mkv5_m5 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m5 oligos_7nt_mkv5_m5 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m5 0.838 0.838 13.406 0.856 0.918 1.9592 0.91752 12 12 12 12 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 D 0 wrTTGCTCAAya wmTTGCCCAAya 42 14 6 5 54 34 41 28.0000 21
oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 0.966 0.845 3.903 0.018 0.983 0.4664 0.96551 15 15 14 16 0.8750 0.9333 0.9333 R -1 dkATTGTGCAATCw. .WGATTGTGCAATMW 3 11 88 92 3 4 3 29.1429 22
oligos_6nt_mkv4_m5 oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m5 oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 0.863 0.755 12.131 0.746 0.933 1.8751 0.93084 15 15 14 16 0.8750 0.9333 0.9333 D 1 .tGATTGCACAACwy wkATTGCACAATcw. 30 43 21 19 32 31 31 29.5714 23
oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m5 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m5 0.921 0.921 4.120 0.083 0.964 1.0785 0.95104 15 15 15 15 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 R 0 dkATTGTGCAATCwt RWGTTGTGCAATCAT 11 3 84 86 10 11 11 30.8571 24
oligos_7nt_mkv5_m5 positions_8nt_m2 oligos_7nt_mkv5_m5 positions_8nt_m2 0.909 0.780 10.667 0.547 0.951 1.1743 0.93615 12 14 12 14 0.8571 1.0000 0.8571 R -1 wrTTGCTCAAya .KATTGCTCAACA. 14 32 51 67 23 13 17 31.0000 25
oligos_8nt_mkv6_m1 positions_7nt_m2 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m1 positions_7nt_m2 0.857 0.756 13.263 0.740 0.927 2.2037 0.93002 15 17 15 17 0.8824 1.0000 0.8824 D -1 atGGTTGCACAACwh .mAGATTGCACAACTy. 35 42 9 22 35 41 36 31.4286 26
oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m2 oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m2 0.888 0.829 8.897 0.579 0.948 1.4649 0.93887 15 14 14 15 0.9333 0.9333 1.0000 R 0 wkATTGCACAATcw. WTATTTCACAATMW 19 20 72 64 20 19 19 33.2857 27
oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 positions_8nt_m4 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 positions_8nt_m4 0.859 0.802 10.335 0.676 0.934 1.8574 0.93116 15 14 14 15 0.9333 0.9333 1.0000 R 0 dkATTGTGCAATCw. WTATTGGGCAATAW 33 30 58 36 31 30 30 35.4286 28
oligos_8nt_mkv6_m2 positions_7nt_m3 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m2 positions_7nt_m3 0.853 0.747 11.108 0.724 0.928 2.0257 0.92811 14 16 14 16 0.8750 1.0000 0.8750 D -2 wkATTGTGAAATaw ..AGATTGCGAAATrw 36 47 44 27 37 36 35 37.4286 29
oligos_6nt_mkv4_m5 positions_8nt_m2 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m5 positions_8nt_m2 0.873 0.815 9.544 0.494 0.939 1.7213 0.93374 15 14 14 15 0.9333 0.9333 1.0000 R 1 .tGATTGCACAACwy WKATTGCTCAACAK 24 23 69 72 25 25 24 37.4286 30
oligos_7nt_mkv5_m5 positions_8nt_m4 oligos_7nt_mkv5_m5 positions_8nt_m4 0.841 0.721 13.036 0.733 0.918 1.9768 0.91715 12 14 12 14 0.8571 1.0000 0.8571 D -1 wrTTGCTCAAya .tATTGCCCAATa. 40 56 10 25 56 35 42 37.7143 31
oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 positions_8nt_m3 oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 positions_8nt_m3 0.909 0.852 0.529 -0.238 0.956 1.3116 0.94601 15 16 15 16 0.9375 1.0000 0.9375 R 0 wkATTGCACAATcwy HTCTTGCACAATCAY. 15 9 97 100 14 16 15 38.0000 32
positions_7nt_m1 positions_7nt_m3 positions_7nt_m1 positions_7nt_m3 0.887 0.831 3.865 0.139 0.946 1.6201 0.94000 15 16 15 16 0.9375 1.0000 0.9375 R 0 wtATTTCACAATCwh WYATTTCGCAATCTY. 20 18 90 82 19 23 21 39.0000 33
oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 positions_8nt_m3 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 positions_8nt_m3 0.843 0.694 12.240 0.685 0.920 2.2526 0.92419 15 16 14 17 0.8235 0.9333 0.8750 D -2 dkATTGTGCAATCw. ..TGATTGTGCAAgad 39 67 18 35 38 44 40 40.1429 34
oligos_8nt_mkv6_m2 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m3 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m2 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m3 0.809 0.809 10.494 0.806 0.916 2.3655 0.92232 14 14 14 14 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 D 0 wkATTGTGAAATaw wtATTGAGCAATaw 53 27 55 14 42 48 43 40.2857 35
oligos_8nt_mkv6_m2 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m4 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m2 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m4 0.865 0.803 4.262 0.167 0.937 1.6422 0.93030 14 13 13 14 0.9286 0.9286 1.0000 R 0 wkATTGTGAAATa. DTATTGTGTAAYW 28 29 81 80 34 24 26 43.1429 36
oligos_8nt_mkv6_m1 positions_6nt_m4 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m1 positions_6nt_m4 0.833 0.694 13.563 0.693 0.909 2.7191 0.92227 15 18 15 18 0.8333 1.0000 0.8333 D -1 atGGTTGCACAACwh .vATGTTGCACAACAG.. 44 66 5 34 43 62 52 43.7143 37
positions_8nt_m2 positions_8nt_m4 positions_8nt_m2 positions_8nt_m4 0.812 0.812 10.850 0.672 0.912 2.4531 0.92089 14 14 14 14 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 R 0 mtGTTGAGCAATmw WTATTGGGCAATAW 52 25 49 39 45 51 50 44.4286 38
oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 positions_7nt_m1 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 positions_7nt_m1 0.871 0.762 4.227 0.089 0.937 1.7709 0.93279 15 15 14 16 0.8750 0.9333 0.9333 R -1 dkATTGTGCAATCw. .WGATTGTGAAATAW 27 38 82 84 27 27 27 44.5714 39
oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m1 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m1 0.847 0.847 4.114 0.084 0.929 2.1278 0.93124 15 15 15 15 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 R 0 dkATTGTGCAATCwt DWGTTGTGCAACCAT 37 10 85 85 30 39 33 45.5714 40
oligos_8nt_mkv6_m4 positions_7nt_m1 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m4 positions_7nt_m1 0.828 0.718 10.805 0.704 0.914 2.2348 0.91869 13 15 13 15 0.8667 1.0000 0.8667 D -1 wrTTACACAATah .tATTTCACAATCw. 46 58 50 31 47 43 44 45.5714 41
oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m4 oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m4 0.825 0.715 11.090 0.711 0.913 2.2534 0.91835 15 13 13 15 0.8667 0.8667 1.0000 D 1 .kATTGCACAATcw. wrTTACACAATah 48 60 45 30 49 45 47 46.2857 42
positions_7nt_m3 positions_8nt_m1 positions_7nt_m3 positions_8nt_m1 0.791 0.791 11.242 0.780 0.904 3.0729 0.92253 16 16 16 16 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 D 0 arAGATTGCGAAATrw amAGATTGCAAAACww 67 31 40 16 41 83 56 47.7143 43
oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 positions_6nt_m1 oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 positions_6nt_m1 0.872 0.763 0.629 -0.212 0.937 1.7627 0.93294 15 15 14 16 0.8750 0.9333 0.9333 R 1 .kATTGCACAATcwy KATTTCACAATCTW. 25 37 96 99 26 26 25 47.7143 44
oligos_7nt_mkv5_m3 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m2 oligos_7nt_mkv5_m3 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m2 0.838 0.778 6.442 0.356 0.925 1.9492 0.92406 13 14 13 14 0.9286 1.0000 0.9286 R -1 wrTTACACAAtww .TATTTCACAATMW 43 33 77 76 39 33 38 48.4286 45
positions_6nt_m1 positions_8nt_m3 positions_6nt_m1 positions_8nt_m3 0.791 0.742 11.855 0.737 0.899 3.0209 0.91807 15 16 15 16 0.9375 1.0000 0.9375 D 0 wwAGATTGTGAAAtm wrTGATTGTGCAAga. 66 48 27 23 51 78 59 50.2857 46
oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 positions_7nt_m2 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 positions_7nt_m2 0.858 0.757 4.177 0.042 0.928 2.1664 0.93061 15 17 15 17 0.8824 1.0000 0.8824 R -1 dkATTGTGCAATCwt .RAGTTGTGCAATCTK. 34 41 83 89 33 40 34 50.5714 47
oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 positions_7nt_m2 oligos_7nt_mkv5_m1 positions_7nt_m2 0.799 0.705 12.700 0.698 0.898 3.0472 0.91771 15 17 15 17 0.8824 1.0000 0.8824 D -2 wkATTGCACAATcwy ..AGATTGCACAACTyt 56 65 15 32 52 79 62 51.5714 48
oligos_6nt_mkv4_m5 positions_8nt_m4 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m5 positions_8nt_m4 0.787 0.734 11.851 0.736 0.899 2.8255 0.91510 15 14 14 15 0.9333 0.9333 1.0000 D 1 .tGATTGCACAACwy wtATTGCCCAATaw 69 52 28 24 63 65 60 51.5714 49
oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 positions_8nt_m5 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 positions_8nt_m5 0.860 0.758 4.108 0.026 0.926 2.2322 0.92957 15 17 15 17 0.8824 1.0000 0.8824 R -1 dkATTGTGCAATCwt .WTRTTGTGCAACCAT. 32 40 86 91 36 42 37 52.0000 50
oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 positions_6nt_m1 oligos_6nt_mkv4_m1 positions_6nt_m1 0.831 0.636 11.338 0.619 0.911 2.3162 0.91722 15 15 13 17 0.7647 0.8667 0.8667 D -2 dkATTGTGCAATC.. ..AGATTGTGAAAtm 45 88 37 53 55 47 51 53.7143 51
oligos_8nt_mkv6_m3 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m5 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m3 oligos_8nt_mkv6_m5 0.828 0.710 10.178 0.578 0.913 2.0963 0.91468 14 12 12 14 0.8571 0.8571 1.0000 R 1 .tATTGAGCAATa. TRTTGGGCAAKW 47 63 61 65 64 38 49 55.2857 52
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 Host name	rsat
 Job started	2014-09-03.101126
 Job done	2014-09-03.101202
 Seconds	6.67
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	cuser	26.66
;	csystem	1.6