This page explains how to install and run a Docker container of the Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools.
RSAT Docker containers are available at
Each release corresponds to a tag from
Docker containers have so far been tested on Linux, Windows and macOS (Intel) systems.
Please let us know or send us a PR at if you succeed in running it on other settings.
To run containers you must have Docker installed in your system.
You can find instructions for installing the Docker (Server) engine on Linux at .
On Windows, our recommended procedure is to i) install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and then ii) the Docker engine:
Our community have also succeeded in running the RSAT container with Docker Desktop for MacOS (also available for Linux and Windows systems).
Some examples below require binding local folders. These allow you to keep persistent files outside the Docker container, which you access even if the container is turned off. They are listed here:
folder | description | creation command |
rsat_data/genomes | installed genomes, writable by anybody | mkdir -p rsat_data/genomes; chmod -R a+w rsat_data |
rsat_results/ | saved results, writable by anybody | mkdir rsat_results; chmod -R a+w rsat_results |
user_motifs/ | contains motifs in TRANSFAC format, readable by anybody | mkdir user_motifs; chmod -R a+w user_motifs |
If you want to fetch a ready-to-run Docker container with RSAT please
select a tagged version from . For
convenience, in the steps below we set an environmental
variable named RSATDOCKER
with the chosen
4.1. Download a container (this will take ~8GB of your filesystem):
# set env variable with tag at the Linux/WSL terminal
export RSATDOCKER="biocontainers/rsat:20240507_cv1"
# actually pull container image
docker pull $RSATDOCKER
4.2. Create local folders for input data and results, outside the
container, as explained on section Binding local folders. The next
example requires folders rsat_data/
in the current location (env variable
). Note: you can place these folders
anywhere in your system, but please check their paths and modify them in
step 3 accordingly:
4.3. Launch Docker RSAT container. Note that the local folders from step 2 are mounted as volumes in the container. If you changed their locations please adjust their paths to the right of the colons. Note: after this instruction, all other commands should be typed and executed at the container’s terminal:
docker run --rm -v $PWD/rsat_data:/packages/rsat/public_html/data/ -v $PWD/rsat_results:/home/rsat_user/rsat_results -it $RSATDOCKER
# you should see a warning that can be safely ignored:
# * Starting Apache httpd web server apache2
# (13)Permission denied: AH00091: apache2: could not open error log file /var/log/apache2/error.log.
# AH00015: Unable to open logs
# Action 'start' failed.
# The Apache error log may have more information
4.4. Download an organism from public RSAT servers, such as the Plants server. Other available servers are,, and
download-organism -v 2 -org Prunus_persica.Prunus_persica_NCBIv2.60 -server
4.5. Testing:
cd rsat_results
make -f ../test_data/ RNDSAMPLES=2 all
4.6. To install any organism, please follow the instructions at managing-RSAT.
4.7. To connect to RSAT Web server running from Docker container (Linux only):
# to start the Docker Web server launch the container and do (check password in Dockerfile):
sudo service apache2 restart
hostname -I # should return IP address
# finally open the following URL in your browser, using the IP address, ie
Once you installation is done you can follow our protocol on using a Docker container interactively to carry out motif analysis in co-expression networks at:
In addition to logging into the Docker container as explained in the previous sections, you can also call individual tools from the terminal non-interactively:
docker run $RSATDOCKER rsat
docker run $RSATDOCKER rsat peak-motifs -h
# short form
docker run $RSATDOCKER peak-motifs -h
The container ships with pre-installed motif databases (see, which can be used by different tools to scan sequences or to annotate discovered DNA motifs. You can see which collections are available with:
docker run $RSATDOCKER ls /packages/motif_databases
# to check files in a particular database or collection
docker run $RSATDOCKER ls /packages/motif_databases/footprintDB
The container ships with no installed genomes, but you can easily copy them from a Web instance, such as RSAT::Plants, as explained in step 4.4:
docker run -v $PWD/rsat_data:/packages/rsat/data $RSATDOCKER download-organism -v 2 -org Prunus_persica.Prunus_persica_NCBIv2.60 -server
You can now check whether the genomes are available with:
docker run -v $PWD/rsat_data:/packages/rsat/data $RSATDOCKER supported-organisms
The next examples show how to run peak-motifs
non-interactively with a user-provided FASTA file (test.fa
in the current directory:
docker run -v $PWD:/home/rsat_user -v $PWD/rsat_results:/home/rsat_user/out $RSATDOCKER peak-motifs -i test.fa -outdir out -prefix test
Note: you can visualize the results by opening local
folder $PWD/rsat_results
with your browser.
Two more examples follow, were any discovered motifs are compared to
pre-installed database (footprintDB) and to
user-provided motifs in TRANSFAC
format, saved in a file named
docker run -v $PWD:/home/rsat_user -v $PWD/rsat_results:/home/rsat_user/out $RSATDOCKER peak-motifs -i test.fa -outdir out -prefix test -motif_db footDB transfac /packages/motif_databases/footprintDB/
docker run -v $PWD:/home/rsat_user -v $PWD/rsat_results:/home/rsat_user/out -v $PWD/user_motifs:/home/rsat_user/ext_motifs $RSATDOCKER peak-motifs -i test.fa -outdir out -prefix test -motif_db custom transfac /home/rsat_user/ext_motifs/
RSAT ships with several motif databases but also allows to add user-defined collections. In order to acomplish that, two extra items must be bound to the container to hold the data:
/packages/motif_databases/, which contains the list of collections, IDs and where they are stored in the server. Location path must be a subdirectory relative to /package/motif_databases/, and can be copied from the container or downloaded dirctly from motif databases github repository. Modify this file to add new motif collections: Each row represents a different collection, and each column, separated by tabs provides different information
;Column description
;1 DB_NAME Database name
;2 FORMAT Matrix format (see convert-matrices for supported formats)
;3 FILE Matrix file (path relative to the motif DB directory /packages/motif_databases/)
;4 DESCR Human-readable description of the database (source, data type, ...)
;5 VERSION Version (date) of the import
;6 URL URL from the file from which matrices were obtained
;7 LABEL label to group in the web matrix selector
;8 DATABASE source database
Yeastract tf Yeastract/ Yeastract s_cerevisiae 20130918 Fungi Yeastract
/packages/motif_databases/ext_motifs, which contains the motif collections and allows rsat to access them.
For example, to add a external database, modify the and add a new record. The database itself must be stored in that path:
ExternalDB tf ext_motifs/ExternalDB/ ExternalDB 2015-11 Vertebrate Metazoa ExternalDB
Dockerfiles for the containers at biocontainers/rsat can be found at
Those are based on a standalone Dockerfile, available at, which we use for development and testing.