This tutorial explains how to install the complete Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools (RSAT) suite via GitHub or from a tarball archive in Linux or Mac OS X systems. This RSAT distribution contains: (i) the RSAT command line tools, (ii) the web server and (iii) the web services.
manager should be already installed in the command line and it is
recommended to update to the latest version.git
and git-lfs
should be available in the command line. You can install
from here
and git lfs
from here.Operating system. This RSAT installation
protocol is aimed at Mac OS X in Mojave (v10.14) and Catalina (v10.15).
RSAT installation in previous Mac OS X versions is feasible but a manual
installation of packages (e.g. brew
packages) is needed and
it is beyond the scope of this tutorial.
Xcode. The complete version of the Xcode application should already be installed in your Mac OS X. You can download and install Xcode from here. Please be aware that downloading Xcode versions for Mac OS X requires an Apple Developer account.
Package manager. The brew
manager should be already installed in the command line and it is
recommended to update to the latest version. You can install
from here. At the
moment brew
in RSAT is only supported for Mac OS X in
Mojave (v10.14) and Catalina (v10.15).
Git and Git LFS. If you are installing the
GitHub repositories the git
and git-lfs
applications should be available in the command line.
You can clone the current RSAT development version from GitHub or download the latest RSAT stable release as a tarball from any of the RSAT servers.
The RSAT development version in GitHub is composed of four
different repositories: (i) rsat-code, (ii) demo_files, (iii) motif_databases
and (iv) sample_outputs.
All of these need to be cloned and installed for RSAT complete function.
To clone these repositories, the git and git lfs applications should be
available in the command line for both Linux and Mac OS X systems.
## Choose a directory to install RSAT
export INSTALL_ROOT=~/packages
mkdir -p ${INSTALL_ROOT}/
## Check that git-lfs is installed
which git-lfs
## Install it if it is not avalable
## Make a clone of the different RSAT packages
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
## Create soft links to the data repositories
mv rsat-code rsat
cd rsat/public_html
ln -s ../../demo_files
ln -s ../../sample_outputs
ln -s ../../motif_databases
cd ${INSTALL_ROOT}/rsat
We will first specify an environment variable named RSAT
with the path to the rsat
## Set the main RSAT directory path
export RSAT=${INSTALL_ROOT}/rsat
echo "RSAT ${RSAT}"
## Go to the main rsat directory
cd ${RSAT}
A semi-automatic configuration of the RSAT installation can be
done by providing some minimal parameters such as: (i) an IP address for
the web server and services, (ii) a site name for the RSAT instance and
(iii) the RSAT main directory. We will customize the first two
parameters below, set the RSAT main directory and then run the
configuration script.
If you install RSAT on a personal computer (e.g. a laptop) and intend to use it only for this machine, you can configure it with the local network’s IP.
## Configure RSAT to be used internally only
export MY_IP=""
## Check that the IP site of your machine has been specified
echo "MY_IP ${MY_IP}"
If you install RSAT on a server or if you intend to provide service
to external users, please replace XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
below by
the actual IP address of your server (e.g. for Virtualbox Virtual
Machines, we set the IP to The ip
should be already available in the command line.
## Get your IP address
ip -c a | grep 'inet '
## Configure RSAT to be used for external service
export MY_IP="XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" ## e.g. export MY_IP=""
## Check that the IP site of your machine has been specified
echo "MY_IP ${MY_IP}"
You can choose an arbitrary name for your RSAT instance. For this
tutorial, we will call it my_rsat
, but you are welcome to
use another site name.
# Choose your RSAT site name
export RSAT_SITE=my_rsat
## Check that you have specified a site name
## Semi-auto configuration for VirtualBox VM
## (adapt IP address if required)
perl perl-scripts/ -auto \
${RSAT} \
rsat=${RSAT_SITE} \
rsat_site=${MY_IP}/rsat/ \
rsat_www=http://${MY_IP}/rsat/ \
rsat_ws=http://"apt-get" \
ucsc_tools=1 ensembl_tools=1
You can add some additional options to the previous command, e.g. enter your mail address as server admin, activate some specific tools that are disabled by default.
To configure all options, you can run the script
as below. An interactive prompt will open
and you will be able to refine all the configuration options by choosing
custom parameter for your RSAT instance (e.g. the email of the local
admin, the organism group, etc. ).
# Configure all the options
perl perl-scripts/
If you want to secure your RSAT Web server by providing HTTPS connections, the following steps should work on Ubuntu or Debian systems:
sudo apt install snapd
sudo snap install core
sudo snap refresh core
sudo snap install --classic certbot
sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
# installation of certificate for Apache
sudo certbot --apache -d
# certificate renewal
sudo certbot renew
A semi-automatic configuration of the RSAT installation can be
done by providing some minimal parameters such as: (i) an IP address for
the web server and services, (ii) a site name for the RSAT instance and
(iii) the RSAT main directory. We will customize the first two
parameters below, set the RSAT main directory and then run the
configuration script.
If you install RSAT on a personal computer (e.g. a laptop) and intend to use it only for this machine, you can configure it with the local network’s IP.
## Configure RSAT to be used internally only
export MY_IP=""
## Check that the IP site of your machine has been specified
echo "MY_IP ${MY_IP}"
If you install RSAT on a server or if you intend to provide service
to external users, please replace XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
below by
the actual IP address of your server (e.g. for Virtualbox Virtual
Machines, we set the IP to The ifconfig
util should be already available in the command line.
## Get your IP address
ifconfig | grep "inet " | grep -Fv | awk '{print $2}'
## Configure RSAT to be used for external service
export MY_IP="XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" ## e.g. export MY_IP=""
## Check that the IP site of your machine has been specified
echo "MY_IP ${MY_IP}"
You can choose an arbitrary name for your RSAT instance. For this
tutorial, we will call it my_rsat
, but you are welcome to
use another site name.
# Choose your RSAT site name
export RSAT_SITE=my_rsat
## Check that you have specified a site name
## Set the main RSAT directory path
export RSAT=${INSTALL_ROOT}/rsat
echo "RSAT ${RSAT}"
## Go to the main rsat directory
cd ${RSAT}
## Semi-auto configuration for VirtualBox VM
## (adapt IP address if required)
perl perl-scripts/ -auto \
${RSAT} \
rsat=${RSAT_SITE} \
rsat_site=${MY_IP}/rsat/ \
rsat_www=http://${MY_IP}/rsat/ \
rsat_ws=http://"brew" \
ucsc_tools=1 ensembl_tools=1
You can add some additional options to the previous command, e.g. enter your mail address as server admin, activate some specific tools that are disabled by default.
To configure all options, you can run the script
as below. An interactive prompt will open
and you will be able to refine all the configuration options by choosing
custom parameter for your RSAT instance (e.g. the email of the local
admin, the organism group, etc. ).
## Set the main RSAT directory path
export RSAT=${INSTALL_ROOT}/rsat
## Check that RSAT directory path has been specified
echo "RSAT ${RSAT}"
## Go to the main rsat directory
cd ${RSAT}
# Configure all the options
perl perl-scripts/
Before running the installation, it might be worth updating the Linux
distribution (apt-get update
) in order to get the latest
versions of the basic packages. If your Linux OS is not Ubuntu some
adaptation of the scripts used in this step will be necessary
(e.g. system libraries).
## NOTE: you must now move to the $INSTALL_ROOT directory before becoming admin
## This requires admin privileges
sudo bash
## Go to the RSAT directory
export INSTALL_ROOT=`pwd`
cd ${INSTALL_ROOT}/rsat
## Check who you are (should be root)
## Define your operating system
export MY_OS=ubuntu
## Read config and run bash installation scripts
source RSAT_config.bashrc && \
bash installer/01_${MY_OS}_packages.bash && \
bash installer/02_python_packages.bash && \
bash installer/03_install_rsat.bash && \
bash installer/04_perl_packages.bash && \
bash installer/06_install_organisms.bash && \
bash installer/07_R-and-packages.bash && \
bash installer/08_apache_config.bash && \
bash installer/09_rsat_ws.bash && \
bash installer/10_clean_unnecessary_files.bash
## NOTE: the following command should be adapted to your case.
## Restore the *login* and *group* of the user owing the $RSAT folder.
chown -R MyLogin:MyGroup $RSAT
## Example:
## chown -R rsat:rsat $RSAT
## Exit sudo session
## Check who you are (should be back to normal user identity)
whoami ## This should give *YourUserName*
## Go to the main rsat directory
cd ${RSAT}
## Read config file and run bash installation scripts for 'brew' packages
source RSAT_config.bashrc && \
bash installer/01_macosx_packages.bash
## NOTE: you must now move to the $INSTALL_ROOT directory before becoming admin
## This requires admin privileges
sudo bash
## Go to the RSAT directory
export INSTALL_ROOT=`pwd`
export RSAT=${INSTALL_ROOT}/rsat
cd ${RSAT}
## Check who you are (should be 'root')
## Read config file and run the remaining bash installation scripts
source RSAT_config.bashrc &&
bash installer/02_python_packages.bash && \
bash installer/03_install_rsat.bash && \
bash installer/04_perl_packages.bash && \
bash installer/06_install_organisms.bash && \
bash installer/07_R-and-packages.bash && \
bash installer/08_apache_config.bash && \
bash installer/09_rsat_ws.bash && \
bash installer/10_clean_unnecessary_files.bash
## NOTE: the following command should be adapted to your case.
## Restore the *login* and *group* of the user owing the $RSAT folder.
chown -R MyLogin:MyGroup $RSAT
## Exit sudo session
## Check who you are (should be back to normal user identity)
whoami ## This should give *YourUserName*
Each time a script is executed via the RSAT server, some basic information is stored in a log file. This information is minimal: it is restricted to the time, name of the script executed, and the IP address of the client machine. We do not want to store any additional information (e.g. selected organism, lists of genes), for obvious confidentiality reasons.
The log files are saved in the directory ${RSAT}/logs. There is one file per month.
The Web server stores result files in a temporary directory ${RSAT}/public_html/tmp. These files should remain 3 days on the server, in order to allow users to consult their results.
The RSAT package includes a make script to clean old files in the temporary directory.
cd $RSAT
make -f makefiles/ clean_tmp
This command cleans all the files older than 3 days. You can clean more recent files by modifying the variable CLEAN_DATE.
make -f makefiles/ clean_tmp CLEAN_DATE=1
This will clean all files older than 1 day.
The automatic management of the temporary directory can be greatly facilitated the crontab command. For this, you need to add a command to a crontab configuration file, preferably from a superuser.
Start editing the crontab; this will open your crontab file with a text editor available in your system.
crontab -e
Add the following line to execute the clean script daily at midnight:
0 0 * * * make -f ${RSAT}/makefiles/ clean_tmp
Save the modified crontab file and close your text editor.
The script makefile/
runs a series of
tests for different components of the RSAT suite. Each test
result is stored in a separate file in the test directory
by default). Output file names are printed
out after each test.
## Load the RSAT configuration
cd ${INSTALL_ROOT}/rsat
source RSAT_config.bashrc
cd $RSAT
make -f makefiles/ all
## Check the results
ls -ltr install_tests
The RSAT Web site can be found at your host IP address followed by rsat: http://[]/rsat/
e.g. for VirtualBox VM:
The web site can be tested by selecting any supported tool, clicking on the demo button and checking the result.
We usually use the following tools as diagnostic of the proper functioning of a server.
Supported organisms to check if the default organisms have been installed.
Fetch sequences from UCSC:
retrieven Ensembl seq:
convert-matrix: check that logos are properly generated
gene-info to feature-map: check that the genes are well returned with gene-info, then successively send the results throught the following tools:
gene-info demo -> gene list. Check if you obtain a table with genes. If so, under Next steps, click the button retrieve sequences.
retrieve sequences. Click “Run Analysis” then “GO”. In the result, check the fasta file. Next step: oligo-analysis.
oligo-analysis. In the result, check the k-mers (oligos) then the matrices and the logos. In the Next step box, end the result to string-based pattern matching.
feature-map check that the png figure is properly generated and displayed.
At the end of this process the results should look like the figure below.
Feature-map result at the end of the pipeline from gene-info to feature-map.
If a 403 Forbidden Error appears when you test your local RSAT
website such as with http://localhost/rsat/
, follow the
next steps:
/etc/apache2/sites-enabled /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
As an example, in config file RSAT_config.conf
, the
directory paths to your RSAT in the next chunk should look similar to
this (as signaled by arrows):
## Define the alias.
## The RSAT server should be visible when adding this alias after the
## Web server URL.
Alias /rsat /home/user/packages/rsat/public_html/ ## <-----
## Make sure R libs are accessible to the apache user.
SetEnv R_LIBS_USER /home/user/packages/rsat/R-scripts/Rpackages/ ## <-----
## Configuration for Apache 2.4
## Enable CGI scripts in the public_html directory
<Directory "/home/user/packages/rsat/public_html/"> ## <-----
AllowOverride all
Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch +Indexes
Require all granted
<Directory "/home/user/packages/rsat/public_html/data/"> ## <-----
AllowOverride all
Options +Indexes +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Require all granted
<Directory "/home/user/packages/rsat/public_html/motif_databases/"> ## <-----
AllowOverride all
Options +Indexes +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Require all granted
<Directory "/home/user/packages/rsat/public_html/tutorials/"> ## <-----
AllowOverride all
Options +Indexes +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Require all granted
If that’s not the case, change them.
## check the RSAT path you defined before
echo $RSAT # copy the dir
## You need sudo permissions
sudo su
nano RSAT_config.conf
Replace the paths (such as /home/user/packages/rsat/
the example) for the dir/to/rsat
you copied earlier, making
sure to keep the RSAT inner directories in the paths (such as
) unchanged.
# CTRL + O to save
# CTRL + X to exit
nano RSAT_config_default_apache2.2.conf
## change paths
# CTRL + O to save
# CTRL + X to exit
Repeat process for RSAT config files at
To make sure .cgi
scripts work:
cd ../
a2enmod cgid
service apache2 restart
chmod 777 -R $INSTALL_ROOT
Click here for a web version of REST.
As an example, we are running matrix-scan
In this demonstration, we will analyse the promoter of Drosophila melanogaster even-skipped gene (eve). We will scan the 5500 bp sequence upstream the transcription start site with matrices representing the binding specificity of 12 transcription factors known to regulate eve. These matrices were built from binding sites annotated in the ORegAnno database by Jean-Valery Turatsinze.
This is an example for using REST-API scripts which are available in
your RSAT instance in dir
. Demo data for
these scripts is available at
Open file
the text editor of your choosing.
Copy the script in a separate file and name it (for example:
Edit the data{}
dictionary to change the arguments
with which to run matrix-scan
. We are changing the
arguments to run the DEMO 1
mentioned above.
Edit the following arguments as follows, read the comments for information regarding them:
# fasta sequences where we are going to look for sites (Drosophila melanogaster 5kbps upstream from eve gene)
"i_string" : "", ##Input string specifying the query. The value can be the query content, the URL of a file available on some Web server, the internal path of the result file returned by another tool of this RSAT server (piping for workflows).
"i_string_type" : "url", ##Type of information provided by the input string. Supported values: url: URL (Web address) to the input file; piping: result file from other tool; text: input content
"seq_format" : "fasta", ##String. Sequence format.
# transcription factor binding motifs matrixes or PSSMs (12 motifs for TFs known to regulate eve)
"m_string" : "", ##Input string specifying the query. The value can be the query content, the URL of a file available on some Web server, the internal path of the result file returned by another tool of this RSAT server (piping for workflows).
"m_string_type" : "url", ##Type of information provided by the input string. Supported values: url: URL (Web address) to the input file; piping: result file from other tool; text: input content
"matrix_format" : "transfac", ##String. Matrix suffix. This argument is mandatory.
"n" : "score", ##String. Treatment of N characters. These characters are often used in DNA sequences to represent undefined or masked nucleotides. Supported: skip, score.
"pseudo" : 1, ##Number. Pseudo-count for the matrix (default 1).
"markov_order" : 1, ##Integer. Markov order for background model. Only when bgfile is not specified.
"bginput" : True, ##Boolean. Calculate background model from the input sequence set.
"bg_pseudo" : 0.01, ##Number. Pseudo frequency for the background model. Value must be a real between 0 and 1
"markov" : 1, ##Integer. Order of the markov chain for the background model.
"origin" : "end", ##String. Specify the origin for the calculation of positions. Supported: start, end, center, chrom
"offset" : 0, ##Integer. Add a given number to site positions (change the reference point).
"2str" : True, ##Boolean. Scan both strands for DNA sequences
"return" : "sites,pval,limits", ##String. lists of fields to return. Supported fields - sites, p_score, pval, seq_scores, rank, normw, proba_BM, limits,weight_limits, distrib, occ_proba, bg_model,bg_residues, matrix, freq_matrix, weight_matrix,crer
# weight score. Positive means that the scanned seq is more likely to be an instance of the motif
"lth_score" : 1, ##Number. Lower threshold on some parameters.
# upper threshold p-value. Correction of weight scores
"uth_pval" : 0.0001, ##Number. Upper threshold on some parameters.
**Make sure to keep the indentation the same!
Open the terminal (CTRL + ALT + T
in ubuntu). And go
to the directory where you stored the file (for example:
cd ~/
Either run the file python3
copy paste the script in the python CLI.
You can add the following lines to store your results in a html document:
= "edit-here-for-name-of-file" + ".html" # edit this line
# writes output file
= open(completeName, "w+")
f.write(r.text) f.close()
Using the same example shown for the scripts version (matrix-scan DEMO 1), we will exemplify now how to use the web version of REST.
Go to REST. Here
will appear all the RSAT programs available through REST at the moment,
along with a description of what each of them do. Search the program
and click on it.
Click on the GET
button > then
Try it out
. A list of all the program’s parameters with a
short description will appear as well as a field to introduce their
Fill all mandatory and chosen optional parameters value. We will fill it in as we did in the scripts version.
: url
: fasta
: url
: transfac
: score
: 1markov_order
: 1bginput
: Truebg_pseudo
: 0.01markov
: 1origin
: end
: 02str
: Truereturn
: sites,pval,limits
: 1uth_pval
: 0.0001
button. After a ~min a result like
this should appear. You may see your results through the Request
URL or in the Response body.